Home Visits Make a Difference

Mapalo Kafwa team preparing for home visiting.

We often talk about the ways our community health worker colleagues change lives through advocacy, wraparound programs at the schools and community centers, or health trainings in their communities. Often though, these larger-scale programs are put into place because of the home visits they make.

For example, the Kafwa in Mapalo, Zambia, meet on Fridays and prepare to visit homes. They go out together, meeting with the clients they’ve adopted and checking on how they’re progressing. They provide encouragement and care, two vital parts of healing, and look for ways they can help. They may bring small salves or medicines, food they’ve packaged for the family, or just themselves, but each visit is important to their clients! These house calls build relationships with their clients and trust with the community. When big ideas come up for new programs or community trainings, they have a firm foundation to stand on and advocate for change! We are so grateful for their work that empowers communities by empowering women and children!

Kafwa members and client in Mapalo, Zambia

Regan Jackson