GAP scholars are ready!

The Kasompe GAP and General Scholar students with leaders Ireen Matete (front left) and Loveness Mulemba (front right)

This year's new Girls Achievement Program (GAP) and General scholars have received their school supplies and are excited for high school! GAP Leaders from each one of our sister schools have been busy, walking scholars to their new high schools to enroll and to purchase uniforms, books, backpacks, shoes, and other materials. These preparations take a great deal of time but make a big difference as scholars begin their high school careers. Students can attend classes feeling prepared, proud, and full of potential.

When they meet weekly with their Keeping in Touch (KIT) Club, scholars can share together about their high school experiences, work on homework together, receive tutoring support, and access to computers at our schools. We are grateful for the teachers, GAP and KIT leaders, and many supporters who ensure that these students are educated and empowered!

Kasompe Kafwa leader Ireen Matete with GAP student Elizabeth Kapembwa

Mapalo KIT students at a weekly meeting

Regan Jackson