New Friend at Mazembe

Frank Kamanga at the Mazembe Sinkhani Community Center

In Mazembe, Malawi, the second of three Sinkhani community centers stands proud, ready to host weighings for infants and children, counseling moms, and new youth programs. A garden has begun next door, serving as an outdoor classroom and providing extra nutrition to the mothers who visit. Tending to the building, garden, and plot is a man named Frank.

Frank came to help at the community center during construction. After seeing his dedication and his need for a safe place to stay, the Sinkhani invited him to become the official caretaker! Frank was born with albinism, and persons with this condition may face abandoment, discrimination, and even danger due to false beliefs. Frank faced these dangers too closely, but the Sinkhani are looking out for him and his family. Our health worker friends challenge culture regularly, educating mothers and families to sort out fact from fiction related to health and wellbeing, and their advocacy is exemplified in their empowerment of Frank. Now a valuable member of the Sinkhani team, Frank shares ideas for programs at the center, showing particular compassion for the wellbeing of children.

We had the pleasure of meeting Frank in July, and are thrilled he is there to support important community programs led by the Sinkhani. We hope you’ll join us in welcoming Frank to the Malawi Sinkhani team!

Regan Jackson