New Gear!

After months of waiting and several attempts, we were able to deliver some very special items to our friends in June! Thanks to a generous donation of soccer gear from World of Children, we were able to take jerseys, shorts, socks, and more to support sports programs for orphans and vulnerable children! Students, teachers, and health workers alike were THRILLED and have already put the gear into action!

Our photo above is from the girls’ soccer team in Mapalo, Zambia. We’ve also linked a couple of short videos for you to share in the excitement! One is from the orphans’ support group in Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo, facilitated by Wasaidizi health worker, Jenny. Another is from Zamtan Community School of Peace, where students were cheering with joy as they saw teachers and fellow students sporting the new gear!

We are incredibly grateful for this gift made by World of Children, and are enamored with the photos and videos being shared of the children in their new uniforms, looking so proud to show their team spirit!

Regan Jackson