Unique Christmas Gift

Looking for the perfect gift for a special someone? If you want to provide a gift that gives both to your special person and to the HealthEd Connect health workers, here's a great choice! Jane, one of the Kafwa health workers in Zambia, proudly calls it the Dedication Book since it's dedicated to the health workers.

Back cover excerpt: “This is a heart-warming story of friendships across cultures, a sobering confrontation with abject poverty, a gut-wrenching account of the impact of AIDS, and innumerable humorous incidents encountered during years of [Sherri and Jac's] international travel.”

We can even send you a personalized signed copy if you tell us who you'd like to honor.

Just click here (or copy and paste in your browser) and we'll immediately get a copy on its way to you: Order Book

Emily Penrose-McLaughlin