Look Again

Take a good look at this picture. In addition to the smiliing women, there are two curious creatures that can't believe their eyes. The goats, which also live in this little home in Nepal, were curious about the new gadget in their kitchen. I hope they appreciate the fact it means less smoke in their eyes!. Two vented stoves were installed in Biratnagar Nepal this month.


One of the men creatively rigged up the external pipes to take the smoke away while the women eagerly demonstrated this new convenience. Sangeeta (right), our Soyamsebika health worker in that area, will be soliciting feedback from the women and monitoring the use of the new stoves before we expand to install stoves in additional homes.


According to the thirdpole.net new research links smoke from cook stoves to high levels of stunted growth among children. With 66% of households in the country using biomass fuels, the exposure to toxic smoke is rampant.

Knowing the inhalation of the smoke creates life-threatening health problems in Nepal, we are jubilant to have taken this first step to address this problem.

For $200 you can sponsor a stove.

Emily Penrose-McLaughlin