Exciting Travels Ahead!

We are just a few days away from traveling to Zambia and Malawi! We’ll be visiting with our colleagues from the Lupula, Zambia province and the DRC right away, eager to hear how the new community centers and garden programs are going. Then, we’ll travel back into the Copperbelt of Zambia to see how the schools are getting along with the new improvements that have been made over the last year. The bulk of our trip, however, will be spent in Malawi for the first Training of the Trainers!

Nursing students and Sinkhani health worker leaders will be taught by Dr. Sherri Kirkpatrick and Dr. Jeff Manuel in the special HealthEd Connect way that gets everyone on the same level, acknowledges each person as an expert in their community, and builds up confidence and skills in each community health worker. These new trainers will then be the hosts of a community health worker training for all 54 Sinkhani volunteers, so they can put their new skills into practice. Stay tuned for photos, stories, and updates that will be shared after visiting with our partners!

Regan Jackson