Training in Nepal

Facilitators (left to right): Ramprasad, Nikita, Pinkey, Pabitra, Sara, and Sangeeta

Last week, the volunteer community health workers from Gorkha, Rai village, and Kathmandu, Nepal, gathered for training! Coordinator Pinkey helped to facilitate, joined by site coordinator Ramprasad, site coordinator and professional nurse Sangeeta, and nursing students Pabitra, Nikita, and Sara. This team of six helped to refresh the volunteers on WHO community-based care practices and led a new training about women’s health. The facilitators also explored topics of aging populations, pre and post-natal care, and the current Dengue fever crisis affecting Nepal. A similar training will take place next month in Biratnagar, so the volunteers in that area can also benefit from these classes.

Seeing this partnership of volunteer community health workers and professional (or future professional) nurses is exciting! This is empowerment and advocacy in action; local trainers like Ramprasad, Pinkey, and Sangeeta speak and understand the local language, culture, and issues, and they are preparing the next generation of trainers like Pabitra, Sara, and Nikita by involving them as facilitators!

Regan Jackson