Another Ablution Evolution

Ablution block at Kasompe Community School of Peace

Ablution block at Kasompe Community School of Peace

At Kasompe Community School of Peace, the ablution block is nearing completion! Aside from a few minor finishing touches, the block is ready for use! A water tower, borehole (well), and septic system have been installed, while the block itself houses eight toilets, two showers, and two handwashing stations.

Students and teachers will have up-to-date, safe, and sanitary facilities for their school, and have engaged in training in how to properly maintain the facilities. They are so excited! And we are all so grateful to the Rotary grant that made this possible! Special thanks to the members of Kansas City Rotary Club 13 and Kitwe North Rotary Club for their combined efforts and support for this clean water, sanitation, and hygiene project, and to our Kasompe school board for working closely to see this project come to fruition!

Backup latrines

Backup latrines

Regan Jackson