Little Lives Uplifted!

Baby Jane

Baby Jane

Our Kafwa team lead for Luapula, Zambia, Jane Chibwe, recently shared some joyful news with us!

After caring for a local mother throughout her pregnancy, Jane and a fellow Kafwa helped deliver a sweet baby girl last week. While the parents were choosing a name for their daughter, they decided to honor the woman who had helped them so much during their experience. Now, there are not one but two Jane Chibwes in Luapula!

Our friend Jane is delighted to have a little girl named in her honor and is excited to look after this sweet baby as she does so many others in the community! Here is a quote from Jane sharing her joy:

“[I] am very happy that I have my namesake now in our kafwa HealthEd Connect program. I hope you will be happy too!”

Your support makes these special moments possible- may you share in this joy as well!

Regan Jackson