Kasompe teachers and board members in front of the new ablution block under construction

Kasompe teachers and board members in front of the new ablution block under construction

At the Kasompe Community School of Peace, the new ablution block is nearly completed thanks to a generous Rotary grant. In addition, the sponsored iWASH (integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) curriculum has begun! Students from grades 5-7 and teachers are being taught the basics of water contamination and how to prevent it, safe water collection and storage, and maintaining the new and improved sanitation facilities on campus!

Student curriculum also emphasized the importance of turning taps off to conserve water, cleaning and caring for the new block, and leading by example for younger grades. This addition to campus is a wonderful opportunity to foster responsibility and community, while providing safe and accessible sanitation facilities!

New water storage at Kasompe Community School of Peace.

New water storage at Kasompe Community School of Peace.

Regan Jackson