Learning, Evolving, Updating

As a nonprofit in the digital age, we are constantly evolving the tools we use to share our uplifting stories of empowerment! After our recent website update, we are going a step further to improve our blog distribution. If you receive our blog updates via email, nothing should change on your end - only the format may look a little different.

If you have no idea what an RSS Feed is, you can skip the rest of this post. We will look forward to sending out a blog post next week through our new blog service! However, if you have been using our existing RSS Feed to view our blogs, you will need to make a change. We are changing our RSS service from Feedburner to Follow.it, and the identifying links can be found below:

Feedburner RSS Feed Address: http://feeds.feedburner.com/healthedconnect

Follow.it RSS Feed Address: https://follow.it/blog-healthed-connect

If you prefer to use the native RSS Feed on our website rather than a syndication service, it can be found here: http://www.healthedconnect.org/blog?format=rss .

We anticipate making this change next week. Please reach out to regan@healthedconnect.org if you have any questions or issues. We look forward to sharing our stories through Follow.it from now on!

Regan Jackson