Ablution Evolution

Construction of the ablution block begins!

Construction of the ablution block begins!

At the Kasompe Community School of Peace in Zambia, a major improvement project is underway! Thanks to a generous Rotary grant, a new ablution block consisting of 8 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 hand washing sinks is being added. In addition, two pit latrines (for backup), a water tower, and borehole will be added to strengthen the sanitation system. 

Starting in 2018, Rotary launched the Water And Sanitation Hygiene program (WASH) in Schools. This target challenge was developed as a Rotary-wide effort to support sustainable sanitation systems. As described by Rotary, “Clean water, better sanitation, teacher training, and hygiene education in schools can improve the health and education of children by creating a cycle of opportunity: improved education, increased school attendance, and improved academic performance.”

Representatives of Kansas City Rotary Club 13, and Kitwe (Zambia) North Rotary Club, visited our school in Kasompe to see the existing dilapidated facilities and determined this initiative was a worthy project to support for the health and well being of the 450+ students and teachers at the Kasompe school. We are excited and grateful for the opportunity to partner with Rotary! HealthEd Connect and the Kasompe school board and teachers are elated to uplift student health and education through this opportunity!

Latrine construction

Latrine construction

Regan Jackson