Preparing for Another Wave

Health worker, Sangeeta Poudel, providing soap to mother and daughter in Biratnagar, Nepal.

Health worker, Sangeeta Poudel, providing soap to mother and daughter in Biratnagar, Nepal.

For several months, the communities and nations where our health worker colleagues serve were reporting little to no new cases of COVID-19. We were elated to keep seeing this positive trend! But that changed last month. Cases are on the rise again, some at their peak, and the new highly transmissible strain of the virus was identified in South Africa – gateway to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. We sounded the alarm bells, and supporters like you were quick to respond, generously supporting our appeal to re-stock our health workers with supplies for COVID-19 prevention (more soap, supplies for masks, wash basins, etc.). Thanks to your generosity, we were able to send $10,750 specifically for COVID-19 prevention last week to our three community schools and health worker colleagues, serving 56 communities, empowering people with resources and education to stay healthy. Your support saves lives! We’re hopeful that this year COVID-19 will be stamped out globally!

Emily Penrose-McLaughlin