COVID-19 Training in Malawi

2020-09-04 COVID-19 Training Group -Chisemphere.jpg

On their own initiative, COVID-19 training sessions have been organized for the Sinkhani volunteer health workers and community volunteers at three separate locations in Malawi. Gathering volunteers from nearby geographic areas, each day-long training included instruction about COVID-19 prevention by local government health workers, two nursing students (recipients of a nursing scholarship from HealthEd Connect), and the Sinkhani health workers themselves. Each volunteer was also equipped with supplies for their communities, including buckets with taps for hand washing, soap, and face masks. The Sinkhani made 1,000 masks in preparation for these trainings, using the new sewing machines provided by HealthEd Connect.

The Sinkhani often use songs to educate mothers and community members about nutrition, sanitation, family planning, etc. They created a special song which they learned at this training. The words (roughly translated) mean: "We won't have COVID-19 anymore after this year. Sinkhani health workers have taught us how we can intervene the spread of corona pandemic disease."

Emily Penrose-McLaughlin