100 Percent!

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You know that feeling…when you’ve worked hard, done your best, and it shows! Feels great, right?! That’s how the head teachers are feeling at each of our community schools, because ALL…that’s right…100% of the 7th grade students passed their exams! We’re so happy for all of the students and their hard work! And so impressed with the way the teachers have prepared the 7thgraders for this important milestone.

In Zambia, the school year matches the calendar year, January to December, with government testing at the end of the year. The most important test-taking years are at the end of grade 7 (to move up to grade 8), grade 9 (to move up to grade 10), and grade 12 (to graduate). Our three community school partners in the Copperbelt of Zambia offer grades K–7 for the most vulnerable children who otherwise would not be able to attend school. With support in the classroom – learning to read, write, and do math – as well as outside the classroom with grief support programs, girls achievement program, and clubs – children are empowered with the skills and social/emotional support they need to succeed.

We congratulate each one of the 7th graders (165 students) on their accomplishment! And we commend the teachers and volunteer health workers who have supported and prepared the students to reach for their goals.